Series Futsal Pty Ltd ABN 39 611 319 021, (“Series Futsal” or “we” or “us”or “our”) respects your privacy and we are committed to the protection ofpersonal information. We follow the National Privacy Principles in thePrivacy Act 1988 (Cth).

The purpose of this Privacy Statement is to let you know how we collect,use and disclose personal information.

Your privacy is important to us and we take the responsibility of handlingyour personal information very seriously. We will not sell, trade or rentyour personal information to others.


We collect personal information so that we can provide you with ourservices and products and to manage our activities. We only collectpersonal information that is relevant and where necessary.

The type of personal information we collect will depend upon the reasonfor its collection. Generally, for the provision of health and fitness servicesthis may include address and contact details, date of birth, next of kin,health service provider details and medical record details. If you areinterested in our services and products, the type of information we collectwill include financial details.

We collect personal information about you in a number of ways including:
Where reasonable and practicable, we collect personal information directlyfrom you rather than a third party. In an emergency, we may need tocollect information from a family member, friend, carer or other person.

When we collect personal information, we collect it in a way that is lawful,fair and not intrusive.

Use & Disclosure

Except as provided for in the case of our Direct Debit Service Providerbelow, personal information which we have collected for a particularpurpose will not be used for any other purpose, unless the purpose isrelated to the main purpose for which we collected the information andyou would reasonably expect us to use or disclose the information for thatother purpose.

Personal information, which we collect, may be used by us:
Personal information which we collect may be provided to the Direct DebitService Provider and used by the Direct Debit Service Provider for thepurpose of assisting to service its products and for promoting its otherproducts and services.

If you provide us with personally identifiable information, you may receivefrom time to time, telephone calls, sms text messages, emails or letterscontaining information about us. You agree to receive correspondencefrom us including information not only on the areas of interest you haveindicated but all types of news and information on our services andproducts. If you do not want to receive them, please contact us. You maybe asked to indicate your preference to receiving promotional material,when submitting information to us.

We may employ other companies or individuals to assist us in providingour services, or to provide certain services such as analysing customerlists, providing marketing assistance, collections assistance or consultingservices. These third parties may have access to information needed toperform their function but, except in the case of the Direct Debit ServiceProvider as referred to above, cannot use that information for otherpurposes.

We do not provide any personal information to any third parties other thanwhere required by law or as set out in this Privacy Statement.

We may provide aggregate statistics on our customers and users of ourwebsite to third parties such as advertisers, but these statistics will includeno personally identifying information.

We co-operate with law enforcement agencies as required by law. We willalso use or disclose personal information if we reasonably believe that it isnecessary to lessen or prevent a serious or imminent threat to the life orhealth of a person.


All reasonable steps are taken to ensure that all information is treatedconfidentially, kept secure and protected against unauthorised use,modification or disclosure and is maintained only for the purpose for whichit is intended. Your email address will not be distributed to any third partyapart from the Direct Debit Service Provider.


All reasonable steps are taken to correct the information we hold wherethat information is not accurate, up-to-date and complete.

You have the right to access your personal information to ensure that it isaccurate, relevant, up to date and complete. If you believe that any ofyour personal information is incorrect, please let us know. There is no feefor requesting access to your information; however, we may charge youthe reasonable cost of processing your request.

We may decline access to your personal information in specialcircumstances, such as where allowing you access could put you oranother person at risk of harm, infringes on the privacy of another personor if we believe that your request for access is unlawful, frivolous orvexatious.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property in all material sent to you belongs to, is licensed to oris authorised for use by us. We permit you to print or download extractsfrom this material for your personal use only. None of this material may beused for any commercial or public use, stored in or transmitted to anyother website or distributed in any other form without our priorpermission.


Cookies that are used in any part of our website will not be utilised forcollecting personally identifiable information and will only be used forinternal management purposes.


Our website may from time to time contain links to the websites of otherorganisations which may be of interest to you. If you access linked sites,you do so at your own risk. We do not operate or control these third partysites and we are not responsible for their contents, operation, privacy,accuracy or security policies. This Privacy Statement does not cover anylinked sites.

Contacting Us

If any personal information you submit changes, please update thatinformation by contacting us.

For further information regarding this Privacy Policy or to make acomplaint about the steps taken by Series Futsal to protect your personalinformation or privacy, please contact Series Futsal either by email or by calling us on 1300 788 799. We will investigateany complaints received in writing and do our best to resolve them assoon as possible.

Series Futsal reserves the right to review, amend, update and change thisPrivacy Policy from time to time to reflect its practices and obligations.

Any changes will take effect when they are made or posted on ourwebsite.